Heya, Lily here. So I’ve been making a number of changes to the site, and to how I do things/what I’ll be releasing, so let’s talk quickly about that first, then we can get to the two new lesbian fiction releases. For the time being I’ve decided to step away from the longer releases, the big series-type works. They’re still on the menu, but I’m pushing them back to later for now.
Instead, I’m going to focus more on releasing shorter, mostly standalone stories of various lengths up to longer novellas. The sort of thing that you can easily read in an afternoon and get a fun and complete story without needing to commit to a novel-length or longer series. If you enjoy my work and stick around for a while, then you’ll have the longer stuff to look forward to, of course, but for right now I need to focus more on readership building, and that’s easier with shorter fiction.
And on that subject… I have two new releases for today! Well, I say new, but that’s not technically true. I have a big-ass series called Starlight Dreamers ($5 tier exclusive on Patreon) that features Japanese-style idols, erotic lesbian relationships, and lots of light-hearted and often humorous shenanigans. There are a couple of arcs in particular from that series that I felt worked well as standalone stories (with extensive edits and rewrites, naturally), and that’s what today’s releases are.
The first is a novella of ~35k words titled A Life Less Ordinary, which takes place in modern day Japan, and the other is a shorter novelette of 13.5k words titled Silver Linings, which takes place in contemporary Britain. They’re both self-contained stories, so go check ’em out if you’re interested.
Essentially these two stories can be counted as sneak peaks into roughly the sort of thing you can expect from Starlight Dreamers itself, though of course that series is sci-fi, positive future, and has a big ensemble cast. Plenty there to sink your teeth into 😎
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these two releases, and thanks for reading!

Lily Lancaster writes lesbian fiction in sci-fi, fantasy, and other genres. If you enjoy Lily’s work, consider buying her a coffee or becoming a patron.